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Online Safety Learning

PSHE Progression Map

PSHE Guidance

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

PSHE Assessment Grids

Here at Parklands, we use the ‘You, me & PSHE’ scheme for Years 1-6. In EYFS follow the ‘1 Decision’ programme. The ‘You, me and PSHE’ scheme is divided into the following topics:

  • careers, financial capability, and economic well-being.
  • physical health and well-being.
  • keeping safe and managing risk.
  • identity, society, and equality.
  • drug, alcohol, and tobacco education.
  • mental health and emotional well-being.
  • sex and relationship education.

We also cover safeguarding themes through the following:

  • anti-bullying week (including workshops with OpenView Education for Y5 & 6)
  • Mental health workshops Y3 – 6

  • Anti bullying workshops- Leeds United Federation (3 workshops) Y6

    –  What Is bullying?
    –  Cyber bullying/stereotypes
    –  Promoting inclusive behaviours

  • D: side (drugs awareness for KS2 classes)
  • D: side internet safety and social media awareness:
  • Safety near water workshop Y4
  • ‘Alright Charlie?’ Child sexual exploitation Y6
  • ‘Looking for Callum’- a theatre production and follow up workshop which examines the issues around grooming and CSE, and supports work on health & wellbeing, safe relationships, homophobia, and domestic abuse.
  • Bikeability Y5
  • FGM lessons Y6
  • NSPCC ‘Speak out, stay safe’ assemblies
  • Road safety training in Y2 & 4
  • Lessons on Consent (all year groups)
  • Children’s mental health week
  • Anti-radicalisation lessons (Leeds Prevent team) Y6
  • Respectful relationships workshop (Leeds health & wellbeing service) Y6
  • Body image (Leeds health & wellbeing service) Y6
  • Puberty workshop (Leeds health & wellbeing service) Y5
  • Primary choices workshop (Leeds United Trust)- based around making negative or positive choices, including staying safe online. Pupils discuss and reflect upon important topics such as anti-social behaviours, knife crime and gang affiliation.


Whole school assemblies are delivered 2 times a week and Picture News assembly takes place weekly in class.

Each year group will perform an assembly for the school and parents/carers during the year.